A crowd of meetup attendees gather around Meshach who is discussing how to forge steel.
A lot has happened in October at Chimera, here is the short and sweet version:
- We recently had a very successful jewelry meetup where guests learn multiple soldering techniques (see our gallery for photos!)
- Sheetrock has gone up in our space and painting will begin as soon as next week!
- Once the walls are finished we will be beginning electrical installation.
- We've started build out of the space (stay tuned for photos and community work days!)
- We have a new tentative opening date for December, we will know more when PG&E finishes their electrical work.
- Once we have a specific date we will be hosting a big open house event so keep your eye out for details!
- Chimera is co-sponsoring and attending the upcoming North Bay Make-a-thon!
- A music video was made in our space by the talented children of one of our board members, check it out below!
This happened even before we opened our new space, think about what will be going on when we're open!
Trainings, Tours, etc...
If you're looking for a tour of our current space, want to learn our 3D printer, laser cutter or jewelry equipment or just want to say hi, please shoot us a message at info@chimeraarts.org and our shop manager Sugar will be there to help!
Some happenings in October
Here's some photos of things happening at Chimera recently:
Our big trailer was recently cleaned up and prepped for tool storage while we move into our larger space.
Shop manager Sugar and board member Jim move a large shade structure during one of our shop cleanup days.
Guests at our jewelry meetup learning soldering techniques from Nancy L.T. Hamilton (http://www.nancylthamilton.com/).
Check out our gallery for more photos!
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for future updates!