Chimera is excited to announce the formation of Nation of Makers, a nonprofit organization for helping makers by supporting maker organizations.
Chimera E.D. Dana Woodman invited to White House "Nation of Makers" meeting
AnnouncementCommentThe New Year at Chimera 🎉
AnnouncementCommentHey there and happy New Year! We here at Chimera hope 2016 is your best year yet (and that "making more things" made it onto your list of New Years resolutions!)
Did you know that Chimera is VERY close to opening our new 3,000sqft facility? Read on to see what's up next for you favorite community makerspace!
Buildout Progress
Here is the nitty-gritty details about our buildout progress:
- ⚡️PG&E has finished hooking up the buildings electrical (finally!)
- Our interior electrical buildout is about 75% complete
- The city will be doing a rough electrical inspection on our space next week!
- Our "coworking counter" is complete and will be mounted shortly
- Our salvage wood and steel work tables are almost complete
- Our reception desk is finished!
- Painting in the space is about half done
Next Up
- 🚶We are waiting on completion of the front sidewalk and general building sign off from the city
- We are working to finish up our electrical, painting and interior decoration as well as moving our supplies over to the new space.
- We will be building out the jewlery/light metal fab room and conference room shortly
- We will be having a lot of public shop work days leading up to our opening, checkout our page for more info and lend a hand!
- Stay tuned for our opening date and open house event!
If you're a Chimera member, expect some downtime before we open in the new space while we move things over. We will also be reaching out to you to transfer over your membership to our new membership tiers (which will be announced soon!)
Our new facility will have all the features we currently have (electronics lab, 3D printing, laser cutter, CNC mills, jewelry studio, workspace, hand tools, wifi, kitchenette) and a whole lot more room for events, classes and meetups. We will be phasing in more features (like wood/metalworking tools) over time.
Our custom made reclaimed wood and steel tables fabricated by Chimera members, getting a test run and ready for finishing.
Our new reception desk at night which has an RGB LED surround that is controllable. Built by Chimera members.
The first version of our new and improved door lock RFID system featuring wifi connectivity, offline mode and helpful messages.
Tear out complete in preparation for our full size kitchenette!
Steel and reclaimed wood coworking counter getting the finishing touches (and Jib the shop dog)!
That's it for this update! As always, you can get involved on our Facebook group, page or Instagram. Till then!
November Updates!! 🍂
Announcement1 CommentWelcome to our status updates for the month of November. Lots has been happening at Chimera, including:
- We have a new updated date for PGE install of December 28th.
- If all goes well with buildout, we should be opening in January, stay tuned for an opening date (and big party)!
- Our shop walls are now painted! (see photos below!)
- Our awesome custom made tables are underway. They'll be welded steel frames with reclaimed wood tops and are being made by the talented Kyle Thompson and Mike Solari with help from the bigger Chimera family.
- Reception desk and our reclaimed wood wall almost complete.
- Our ~50 chairs are purchased and being refinished!
- Our electrical design is days away from being complete and then we will start on buildout!
Stay tuned for more updates and check out the photos below!
Our beautiful metal table legs ready for welding!
Part of our reclaimed wood entry table ready for finishing!
Our fleet of chairs getting prepped for refinishing
Our salvaged wood wall almost complete!
Wall are now painted!